HotelsMag May 2020 | Page 6


HOW WILL THIS CHANGE US ? hotelsm . ag / traveldifferently What will the travel industry look like in a postcoronavirus world ? Catherine Monthienvichienchai , chief branding officer at Bangkok-based QUO , points out that many hoteliers may be looking at the situation as a reset button to disrupt how we operate . One prediction : Travel and hospitality brands with a deeper purpose will attract the younger generation — and just may shape the future of the entire industry . Success will lie with the brands that recognize not just the enormity of the crisis we ’ ve been through , but the fragility of the world we live in .
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LEVERAGE YOUR TECH hotelsm . ag / leverageyourtech There isn ’ t a lot that hoteliers can control as we navigate the fast-changing coronavirus situation . But you can use this downtime to expand how your property utilizes technologies in order to ensure a smooth transition back to normal operations and support a period of short staffing , writes HOTELS blogger Larry Mogelonsky . It ’ s counterintuitive , but the downturn may give you a breather to finally set up those software integrations that will take your operational efficiency to the next level .
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KEEP EVENTS BUSINESS MOVING hotelsm . ag / keepeventsmoving Robert Post , CEO of Knowland in Arlington , Virginia , has three tips for handling group business amid the downturn . ( What group business , you may ask ?) Here ’ s one : Don ’ t sacrifice your long-term success for shortterm savings . When cancellations slow , be ready to pivot to selling .
4 hotelsmag . com May 2020