HotelsMag May 2020 | Page 27

/ pur-suh-veer /


/ pur-suh-veer /

verb to persist in anything undertaken ; maintain a purpose in spite of difficulty , obstacles , or discouragement ; continue steadfastly .
Dear Friends ,
The news for our industry this past week remained sobering and historic . Social distancing and shelterin-place mandates have presented unprecedented challenges to the hospitality industry . The global impact on our business is yet to be calculated but I know with each passing day we move closer to the coming recovery and resurgence .
I was moved by one of the industry ’ s most inspiring leaders after reading his address to his company ’ s associates . I hope you ’ ve had a chance to listen . If not , please find it at HOTELSmag . com . Here ’ s a short excerpt :
“ I ’ ve never been more determined to see us through than I am at this moment . While it ’ s impossible to know how long this crisis will last , I know we , as a global community , will come through the other side and that when we do our guests will be eager to travel this beautiful world again . When that great day comes we ’ ll be there to welcome them with the warmth and care we are known for the world over … I wish you good health and a sense of optimism . Together we can , and we will , overcome this and will thrive once again .”
— Arne Sorenson , President and CEO , Marriott International
We know how difficult a time this is for you . We at HOTELS want to do all we can to make sure you are kept informed of the industry ’ s rapidly changing news and events . These features available at HOTELSmag . com might be of particular interest now :
• Blog : Why ‘ cleanliness theater ’ matters now
• Redeploy , repair : How Asian hotels reprioritize in downturn
• Podcast : Hotel editors weigh in on impact of COVID-19
• Sanctuary housing : Key questions for hotels on the front line
• Vote for Hotelier of the World ( must be a HOTELS subscriber to vote )
I would like to add that we ’ re not going to allow current events to diminish our resolve or our drive to press on . We ’ re in this together and we ’ ll come through this together .
Sincerely ,
David Wood Publisher , HOTELS and HOTELS ’ Investment Outlook