HotelsMag May 2020 | Page 24


What ’ s your



Managing the UNTHINKABLE


Do not lose the institutional memory of these events . Use the lessons we have learned for the future , and we will have better and stronger organizations for the next generation of leaders .

I wrote the following paragraph as part of my crisis leadership doctoral studies : “ The ‘ global village ’ has become even more connected , and crisis events today impact a wider group of communities , across regions , borders and continents … These events can quickly gather an uncontrollable momentum on a global platform of communication interconnectivity . There has never been a greater need to provide insights and theoretical updates in the field of crisis management in order to prepare society , organizations and individuals with the tools to deal with a crisis event in the most effective way possible .”
We are seeing today that leadership actions can contribute to , eliminate or mitigate a crisis . Crises can be better managed if leaders have the ability to think the unthinkable . The challenge is whether leaders have the conviction , ability and foresight to engage in crisis planning when faced with the demands of their daily business operations .
The leader ’ s past experience with a crisis positively influences an organization ’ s level of confidence and trust during another crisis . Establishing an ongoing communication and training program that is lived and breathed must become a natural progression .
Crisis leadership efficacy is accelerated when institutional memory is formalized , it is vital to document the lessons learned . My study concluded that a “ living manual ” be initiated to address any gaps or complacencies . Utilizing your crisis experience knowledge base also will benefit the organization with a tool kit to ensure continuity for the long term .
This crisis will pass and we will return to a new normal , but we should not forget the lessons we have learned and the importance of a living manual .
The news is full of unprecedented stories of crisis across the world . Now more than ever , our ability to manage our thinking is a critical part of our toolkit . Individuals , leaders and companies who react based on fear may miss out on the potential benefits if they do not use this time to strengthen and grow .
Have you considered how this crisis will impact your business in the long term , beyond the negative consequences ? How can you innovate and create new revenue opportunities based on new consumer trends that will result from these different times ? How can we work together to achieve the best result for employer and employee ?
Now is the time to change the “ what about me ” mindset . It may be difficult , but those who focus on “ we ” rather than “ me ” during these times will come out stronger . Change your questions to :
• What can I do to support the company more during this difficult time ?
• How can I support my employees to a greater level during this crisis ?
• What can I do for those less fortunate than me during this time ?
• How can I support my industry ?
• How can we work together to get through this as a team ?
• What new opportunities could there be for us as a result of changed consumer behaviors ? Life as we knew it has changed . Let ’ s embrace a new way of thinking about the future together .
22 hotelsmag . com May 2020