HotelsMag May 2017 | Page 43

UJA-FederAtion oF new York
ChAirmAn & Ceo StArwood CApitAl groUp
Questions ? Contact Sybil Britton at hospitality @ ujafedny . org or 212.836.1131 .

UJA-FederAtion oF new York

Hospitality Division

CoCktAil reCeption


BArrY S . SternliCht

ChAirmAn & Ceo StArwood CApitAl groUp

tUeSdAY , JUne 6 , 2017

register online at ujafedny . org / hospitality

Questions ? Contact Sybil Britton at hospitality @ ujafedny . org or 212.836.1131 .

ujafedny . org @ ujafedny