HotelsMag May 2015 | Page 6

Hot openIngs bAhrAin hotel celebrAteS mArine Style
hotelsm . ag / FourSeASonSbAhrAin
IntervIew uniqueneSS over coSt on todAy ’ S tAbletopS
hotelsm . ag / SimSFoSter
Seville : A miSSed opportunity ?
hotelsm . ag / Sevilleopportunity
Hot openIngs bAhrAin hotel celebrAteS mArine Style
hotelsm . ag / FourSeASonSbAhrAin
Given the hotel ’ s location on a man-made private island , it makes sense that the inspiration for the interior design of the Four Seasons Hotel Bahrain Bay came from the sea .
IntervIew uniqueneSS over coSt on todAy ’ S tAbletopS
hotelsm . ag / SimSFoSter
Sims Foster , senior vice president of restaurants , bars and nightlife for Commune Hotels and Resorts as well as owner of The Arnold House in Livingston Manor , New York , knows tabletops convey critical details about a restaurant ’ s overall story . HOTELS asked Foster about the evolution of the concept of “ fine dining ,” how that has changed tabletop philosophies and what the future might hold in this area .
Seville : A miSSed opportunity ?
hotelsm . ag / Sevilleopportunity
With more than 1.9 million visitors in 2014 , Seville ranks third in number of visits among Spanish urban destinations . There is no reason international brands targeting the individual leisure segment shouldn ’ t be jumping at this opportunity , according to HOTELS blogger Ivar Yuste .
4 HOTELS May 2015 www . hotelsmag . com