HotelsMag May 2015 | Page 39

F & B : Breakfast

In-room breakfast made simple

Chicago ’ s Acme Hotel is offering a newly popular take on traditional room service with its Knock & Drop program . Guests order , and food is delivered simply with a door knock and a brown paper bag , eliminating the need for tray pick-up or even tip money . In addition to breakfast food , Acme offers Morning Joe , free coffee delivery served in a thermos , any time .
Acme ’ s breakfast menu includes items from West Town Bakery , located in the hotel lobby . All breakfast options are organic and made daily . Plus , all items are US $ 8 and come with orange juice , yogurt and seasonal fruit .
HOTELS spoke with Gene Kornota , principal of Rebel Hospitality , the owner and operator of Acme , about Knock & Drop as well as his thoughts on the future of room service . HOTELS : What was the inspiration behind
Acme ’ s Knock & Drop room service program ?
Gene Kornota : From Acme ’ s inception , we have been looking for ways to do things differently and to cater to our guests in fun and surprising ways that still fulfill their needs . Acme is a casual , approachable brand . We were looking for a streamlined way to deliver food to guests that didn ’ t require them to get dressed to accept their order , fumble for tip money , worry if they have time to shower or leave dirty dishes in their room . Knock & Drop was the simple solution , and guests find it fun .
H : Do you think this type of room service will catch on at other hotels and replace traditional options ?
GK : We ’ ve heard rumblings of other hotels wanting to duplicate our service , but I do not believe this will replace the traditional model . Knock & Drop isn ’ t for everyone . For some larger hotels or even upscale boutiques , the traditional room service model still works and is appreciated — and even expected — by certain guests .
H : What is your favorite breakfast item on the menu ?
GK : That ’ s a tough one . I tend to eat by season . In the colder months , I lean more toward something a bit more hearty like bacon and eggs . In the summer months , I love our breakfast in a cup : vanilla yogurt with seasonal fresh fruit topped with gluten-free granola . And , of course , the free Morning Joe .
H : What breakfast trends are you seeing with Acme ’ s guests today ?
GK : Our guests , like most hotel guests today , understand that breakfast is an important meal , but many are on the go . Whether they are staying for business or pleasure , they want to enjoy breakfast , but they don ’ t want it to slow them down . They consider breakfast a jumpstart to their day .

Guests want to enjoy breakfast ,

but they don ’ t want it to slow them down .

– Gene Kornota
www . hotelsmag . com May 2015 HOTELS 37