HotelsMag May 2015 | Page 31

Bold predictions
Special RepoRt : Spa and wellneSS

Bold predictions

Here is a sampling of predictions for tHe next big trends in Hotels ’ spa and wellness offerings :

“ hoTels should be Thinking abouT how They can engage Their employees in healTh and wellness .”

– SuSIe ellIS , GloBal WellneSS InStItute
“ is There a spa-like deliverable for focusedservice hoTels ? iT ’ s a fun and inTriguing experience-design problem ThaT will be in our midsT sooner Than we Think .”
– meG PRendeRGaSt , the GettyS GRouP
“ There is a significanT need for reconnecTing wiTh our naTural environmenTs , To geT ouT of urban seTTings and be among naTure aT iTs finesT .”
– Raye FetzneR , the Inn at Palmetto BluFF
“ There will be an increased focus on mindfulness and mediTaTion , as a vacaTion is The perfecT Time for people To lisTen To Their inner self .”
– eRIc FavRe , the alPIna GStaad
“ major parTnerships wiTh celebriTy fiTness and healTh advocaTes will spring up across all hoTel brands .”
– KathRyn mooRe , mSPa InteRnatIonal


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