HotelsMag May 2014 | Page 31

Design : Rosewood London


opening dAte :
OctOber 15 , 2013
Accom modAtions : 262 guestrooms and 44 suites
LocAtion : One of London ’ s most historic locales on High Holborn , near Covent Garden , the Royal Opera House , museums and galleries
m AnAgi ng dir ector :
Matthias Roeke
ow ner : Rosewood Hotel Group
LeAd Architect : EPR Architects , London
LeAd interior designer :
Tonychi and Associates , New York City
design Aesthetic : Modernist with sophisticated decoration to convey the sense of a manor estate

notAbLe Amenities : Suites including the 6,318-sq-ft ( 587-sq-m ) Grand Manor House Wing , which boasts its own postcode ; Holborn Dining Room serving simple yet sophisticated British fare ; Scarfes Bar offering more than 200 single malts and a specialization in sloe gin ; a Sense spa , Rosewood ’ s signature spa brand ; and 11 event spaces the rOsewOOd brand debuts in eurOpe with a LOndOn hOteL rich in histOry yet hOme-Like in ambience .

by Ann BAgEL STOrck , mAnAging EdiTOr

Rosewood London , which marks the debut of the Rosewood Hotels & Resorts brand in Europe , occupies a 1914 Edwardian Belle Epoque building in the heart of one of the city ’ s most historic locales on High Holborn . It makes sense , then , that the main goal of the property ’ s US $ 130 million renovation was to reflect the brand ’ s “ A Sense of Place ” philosophy .

“ Rosewood London is a perfect illustration of this concept ,” says Managing Director Matthias Roeke . “ The 262 guestrooms and 44 suites convey the feel of stylish London residences , public areas are filled with artwork and books , restaurants offer both classic and contemporary British dishes and the event spaces nod to the building ’ s past as the headquarters of Pearl Assurance Co .”
“ The Rosewood brand is defined to give a sense of place , London is a royal city with a distinct mannerism and the building possesses a scale of grandeur ,” adds Tony Chi of New York City-based Tonychi and Associates , which designed the hotel ’ s guestroom accommodations , event spaces and public areas . “ I envisioned Rosewood London to reflect all these factors with a friendly approach that would embrace its urban location .”
Chi says the building itself “ has a strong sense of character with its own personality ,” presenting one of the project ’ s biggest advantages . Rosewood London includes the structure ’ s original street frontage and dome as well as impressive interior features such as a Pavonazzo marble staircase that rises up through all seven stories of the hotel beneath a 166-ft ( 51-m ) cupola .
There are also many details that aim to convey the sense of a traditional manor house , rather than a hotel . Scarfes Bar , designed by Martin Brudnizki , features a roaring fire , wooden bar , cozy furniture and a wooden herringbone floor accented with handwoven rugs . Holborn Dining Room , also designed by Brudnizki , creates a comfortable atmosphere with reclaimed oak , antique mirrors and leather upholstery .
Roeke says the hotel ’ s guest mix is roughly 60 % business and 40 % leisure . Average rate has been around £ 400 ( US $ 665 ), and according to Roeke , “ occupancy for our early months has surpassed our expectations . We have received extensive positive media attention with regard to the hotel ’ s opening and unique design , and we are seeing a positive trend with our bookings and repeat guests .” That all feeds Chi ’ s main goal for the hotel . “ Travelers who visit any city should walk away with an enduring memory of that city ,” he says . “ The impression we strive for is an indelible memory of London . This is all a canvas to define a sense of place and create a superb hotel operation .”
www . hotelsmag . com May 2014 HOTELS 29