HotelsMag March-April 2024 | Page 31

the hotels .” The guest , however , might not know that , but it ’ s something Maybourne is addressing through a rebranding exercise that will promote the parent company as the backstop of each individual property . Mixing in the Maybourne name into its Beverly Hills and Riviera hotels is one way .
Bhalla began his Connaught residence as hotel manager , but quickly escalated to general manager , taking over the position 10 months after his arrival . He became a stabilizing force at the hotel , which had been beset by a rash of personnel departures . He quickly brought order and just in time for a spate of new additions to the hotel , including The Connaught Grill , The Connaught Cigar Merchants , The Connaught Patisserie and Red Room , which marries art and wine .
Then came COVID . The hotel shut down in March 2020 before reopening in July . During that time , Maybourne kept everyone at the hotel on payroll . Despite it not being open to guests , the hotel worked with local charities and churches , cooking meals and feeding the homeless . Bhalla estimates that they did around 45,000 meals between
Hélène Darroze at The Connaught boasts three Michelin stars , one of only five restaurants in London to carry that designation .
The Mews is a private townhouse with its own entrance . Among its amenities , it features a full-size concert grand piano .
April and July . Here , Bhalla ’ s calming countenance helped deliver the hotel from its nadir back to its perch . He says preparation is key to being a strong leader . “ I ready for everything ,” he said . “ I ’ m not the guy who does things last minute ,” although admitting that things can still go awry even after planning for every contingency . “ It ’ s a
human industry ,” he said . “ It ’ s okay to make a mistake .”
HIS WAY , NOT THE HIGHWAY He allows his staff a modicum of freedom in the workplace , but said with that autonomy comes accountability . “ I never want to curb the freedom of people because those working here are creative geniuses ,” he said , allowing that if he puts restrictions in , it will only thwart what could be a meaningful idea . “ Continuous improvement ,” he calls it .
The list of three-Michelin-star restaurants in London is short . There are five . Hélène Darroze at The Connaught , where the “ Taste of Winter ” prix fixe meal starts at £ 225 per person before wine , is one . The accolades are many : One happy diner described the experience as “ perfection in service from the moment you walk through the door .” Then , stomach full , head abuzz , a stop steps away for a nightcap at the Connaught Bar , which was ranked fifth in the world by The World ’ s 50 Best Bars 2023 , is a must . It ’ s the complete Connaught experience .
The hotel ’ s food , the hotel ’ s beverage is an extension of Bhalla ; the two are part of his upbringing in the pursuit of culinary
Mar / Apr 2024 hotelsmag . com 31