HotelsMag March 2016 | Page 29

Special RepoRt : Apps
Featured artwork from the Pfister Hotel ' s augmented reality app . Launched in 2014 , the app guides guests on a tour of the hotel ' s art collection .
“ Our ultimate goal is to translate our renowned service culture into our digital ecosystem , delivering the highest quality service across all guest touch points ,” says Elizabeth Pizzinato , senior vice president of marketing and communications at Four Seasons .
There have been 17 updates since the multifunctional app ’ s launch based on learnings and trends observed with guest usage . Updates include the ability for guests to add reservations from the app directly to their mobile calendars , enabling guests to see reservations and property details offline and the option to order hotel services while offsite .
“ Our focus is always on the guest experience – ensuring we deliver seamless service , at the right time and in the right place ,” Pizzinato says . “ We are constantly looking for ways in which we can
improve the app and the guest ’ s overall digital experience with Four Seasons , exploring functionalities that make the app easier to use or cater better to our guests ’ changing needs .”
Also since its inception last June , Four Seasons launched a Chinese launguage app tailored to the Chinese luxury traveler . The company plans to add additional languages in 2017 .
In addition to the hotel giants , smaller companies are experimenting differently with apps . Marcus Hotels & Resorts ’ flagship property , The Pfister Hotel in Milwaukee , Wisconsin , offers an augmented reality ( AR ) app that guides guests on a tour of the hotel ’ s art collection . Each year , The Pfister hosts a new artist in residence and the subject matter of the physical tour changes to keep the experience fresh and interesting for guests .
there have been 17 updates to the four seasons app based on learnings and trends observed with guest usage , inCluding the ability to add reservations from the app direCtly to mobile Calendars , accordinG To elizaBeTH PizzinaTo , Four seasons HoTels and resorTs
Launched in 2014 , the original goal of the AR app was to make art more relevant and accessible to younger demographics , especially millennials . Since its inception , the hotel has also “ augmented ” the coasters that are used in the bars , restaurants and banquet rooms , and soon it will augment the artist in residence legacy pieces that are in a select number of guestrooms . The hotel will film the artists standing next to their prints , so when a guest puts the device up to a painting , the artist “ appears .”
“ Technology at the historic Pfister Hotel helps guests appreciate the artwork in new ways ,” says Joseph Khairallah , chief operating officer at Marcus Hotels & Resorts . “ It is a novel , interactive experience for the guests and lets them explore the artwork at their own pace .”
“ a strong user experienCe Capability supported by a solid usability testing disCipline will go a long way to avoid the too-muCh-to handle trap . in online marketing , partiCularly booking engine design , less is usually more . experienCe shows that too many ChoiCes tend to depress Conversions .”
— MarK Haley , THe PrisM ParTnersHiP
“ Creating a mobile app with the right features is important as evidenCe shows that guests who book through this platform beCome loyal to brands . eaCh step of the guest journey presents an opportunity to engage with Consumers , to enhanCe loyalty and bookings , and to drive awareness .”
— Bill Keen , iHG www . hotelsmag . com March 2016 HOTELS 25