HotelsMag June 2023 | Page 62



TO CREATE A HOTEL BRAND that will stand out from the crowd


Search for boutique , upscale hotels near San Jose , Calif ., or Nashville , Tenn ., and an array of options appear . Search for the same in New York City or Los Angeles and the results become overwhelming . With all this visual noise and endless consumer choices , how can you ensure that your property will stand out in a crowded and highly competitive marketplace ? While great service , indemand amenities and positive consumer reviews are important , it is not always a guarantee for high occupancy . Often , success comes from a combination of factors that are led by an impactful visual identity that connects with your target audience .

Creating a successful brand is not simply designing an eye-catching label or logo . It requires the development of a powerful narrative that authentically resonates with and motivates your existing and potential customers . What is your brand story ? What promise are you making ? What are your key attributes and fundamental pillars ? What is your hotel ' s personality ? Are you refined and sophisticated ? Are you bold , edgy and sarcastic ? Are you heartfelt , understanding and caring ? Maybe you are a combination of all these traits .
Brands aren ’ t born iconic , but they do need to be strategically and meticulously crafted and launched with intention so as to allow for the opportunity to become widely recognized and well-established . With this in mind , the first step in developing your brand is understanding who you are , what you stand for and what values you wish to convey . As you solidify these fundamental tenets , you also need to dive head-first into the world of your customer base . Who are your guests and what are their wants , needs , preferences and expectations ? The costconscious traveling family on a strict budget likely has different priorities than the posh couple on a romantic weekend getaway .
Does this sound overwhelming ? Fortunately , it doesn ’ t need to be . Whether you ’ re preparing to launch a new hotel ,
60 hotelsmag . com June 2023