HotelsMag June 2016 | Page 48

F & B

F & B

Waterfront ' s rooftop garden

Zero tolerance

Composting has been around for a while , but some people are starting to take it personally . Like Chef Roger Waysok : Every workstation in his restaurant , South Water Kitchen at the Hotel
Monaco in Chicago , has three garbage cans for composting and recycling . “ It ’ s not easy to do in a restaurant because things are so fast-paced ,” he says , but he uses pictures to train his staff what goes in each bin . Waysok also is trying to keep food out of the bins in the first place . Oranges that have been pressed through a juicer are transformed into a marmalade with sugar ,
water and ginger , then presented to guests at breakfast and in a charcuterie plate .
The sky is the limit for the Fairmont Waterfront in Vancouver , British Columbia in its goal to become zero-waste . The third-floor roof overlooking the bay has a 2,100-square-foot garden of organic herbs and vegetables – it has even harvested hay used to smoke chicken in-house . A vertical
garden , supporting 100 plants in under a square meter , composts food waste from the restaurants .
At Grand Teton Lodge Co ., which operates hotels in the Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming , guests
The Fairmont ' s vertical garden
don ’ t benefit directly from the food scraps that are composted . But chickens and pigs do . The company kick started its food-waste minimalization efforts by sending food scraps to local farms to incorporate into feed .

Beyond BarBecue

No slathering in sauce or smothering in a rub for Nano Crespo ’ s cuisine . “ Cooking over live coals is earthy and organic ,” says the chef of Quinto La Huella at Swire Hotels ’ first U . S . hotel , East Miami . At the center of the kitchen is a traditional Uruguayan fire , or parrilla , with
stone hearth and woodfired oven .
“ The parrilla allows the quality and flavors of the ingredients to speak for themselves , and it takes great focus to understand the timing and movement of each ingredient around the open fire . One really has to understand fire to master it ,” Crespo says . The chefs use southeastern U . S . oak to add dimension to the flavor .
Larry Monaco , chef of Cast restaurant at the
Viceroy Santa Monica , California , lets a flame do the talking as well . He roasts baby cauliflower , including white , yellow , green and purple , in a wood oven , saving the leaves , blanching them and then sautéing them together with calabrese peppers and fresh mint , oregano and thyme for a crunchy , earthy result . The grill marks “ give it that ‘ ooh factor ,’” he says . “ As a chef , it ’ s kind of fun when guests eat with their eyes first .”
Multi-colored cauliflower joins calabrese peppers and herbs in chef Larry Monaco ' s recipe .
Fish is roasted over live coals at Quinto La
Huella ' s parrilla .
44 hotelsmag . com June 2016