HotelsMag June 2013 | Page 16



In April Marriott International launched the Marriott Jobs in Europe application for iPad . Marriott , which partnered with Evviva Brands to develop the app , says although it is not designed to replace faceto-face recruitment , it is a way to engage the next generation of jobseekers . “ The app is designed to accompany a presentation that is delivered in-person at recruiting events throughout Europe ,” says Matthew Ruck , Marriott International ’ s director of talent acquisition and career development – Europe . “ We really wanted to be able to provide jobseekers with something that would enable them to learn more in their own time . The app navigates users to our Marriott mobile careers website where users can search for jobs based on their location or keywords .”
Marriott is not disclosing how much it invested in the app and says it is too early to measure user reaction . The app is currently available in English , French , German and Russian , and Marriott says the ratio of line versus management positions advertised fluctuates regularly .


Ryan Gobuty
Steve Farzam
The Shore Hotel hopes to rely on an in-house , natural gas-operated generator for all its power needs within a year .
“ Green ” initiatives are much more than add-ons at the Shore Hotel in Santa Monica , California — they are an integral part of the property ’ s culture . Opened in October 2011 , the new-build Shore has achieved LEED Gold certification from the U . S . Green Building Council thanks to features such as low-flow water fixtures and locally sourced building materials as well as more unorthodox programs including an interactive “ green screen ” for guests to learn about eco-friendly resources . Owner and Chief Operating Officer Steve Farzam shares some of his secrets to sustainable success and future plans .
HOTELS : Among all your green initiatives , what stands out to you most ?
Steve Farzam : One is technology called an auto demand response system . On days when there is a strain on the power grid ( because of high temperatures or the like ), the power company is able to electronically send a message to our hotel , and [ the system ] will selectively knock off electric components within the hotel that will save power , up to almost 40 % of our normal consumption . It will take all the lights in the parking garage down 50 %. It will
take the air conditioning up 4 degrees . It ’ s really a smart system .
H : What cost savings have you achieved thanks to your sustainability programs ?
SF : In running a green hotel and developing it from the ground up , you pay substantially more upfront . However , there are areas where we are saving . For instance , if guests stay two nights or more , for every night they decline housekeeping we ’ ll give them US $ 5 off their stay . We ’ re seeing a substantial reduction in supplies , staffing and payroll . Based on the last numbers we saw , in a full house , about 23 % of guests on average are using this service . My hope is to have it close to 40 % to 50 % by year-end .
H : What future green projects does Shore Hotel have planned ?
SF : One is a generator operated by natural gas . Rather than relying on the grid or the power company , we would be our own power plant here within the hotel . The byproduct , which is the excess heat , would heat the pool and the water in the guestrooms . We ’ re going to generate 100 % of our power in-house . We ’ re hoping to have it launched within a year .
12 HOTELS June 2013 www . hotelsmag . com