HotelsMag June 2012 | Page 40

The InTervIew : Alfred PisAni
“ For tHe HoteL industry to Have expanded so rapidLy WHiLe aLso trying to Look aFter tHe souL oF tHe operation Was not easy . a certain amount of attention and personalized service was forgotten , and one started getting the plastic smile . Many specialized brands saw this and focused on bringing back the level of service from 100 years ago . this is what we are trying to do . We are trying to focus on providing sincerity and wholesomeness of service that is not plastic .” – Alfred Pisani
good years to reach our cruise positionwhere the hotel gets about £ 550 ( US $ 887 ) to £ 600 ( US $ 968 ) a night . H : Where do you go after London ? AP : We would like to develop our management company under the Corinthia brand . We still need to buy our way into Paris , New York City , Beijing and South America . We need a collection of 16 to 18 top 5-star hotels located in the top cities to give us the exposure and recognition we need . Subsequently , third-party owners will approach us where we can support them with design and management . This has happened with other luxury brands , and we hope to do the same . H : What is currently under development ? AP : We are negotiating in New York
City , we are looking at Beijing and we are quite advanced in Paris . These will all include ownership . The owning company , IHI , has institutional investors and is seeking to raise more capital to achieve these goals . We are open to investment partners and talking to partners about these deals to make the investments easier . We can bring partners either into holding shares in the parent company or get them to invest in a particular hotel . H : What are your longer-term goals ? AP : We want 50 to 75 luxury hotels . I believe by then we will have support of third-party owners coming to us , but we will continue to invest as well . H : What is your main expansion concern ? AP : Until now , it has been possible for us to keep a philosophy of respect , bringing out the best in our individuals
the royal penthouse at the Corinthia London and empowering them all the way down the line . We seem to be achieving this comfortably .
I am concerned about what happens as we get larger . How can we enlarge the energy that we are working with in relation to the service ? Can we have it grow faster than even the number of properties and keep the commitment of our personnel to give their utmost and feel part of the family ? As long as this combination is possible , I feel safe . Our focus is also to make sure our philosophy is maintained , or even goes a step further . H : Can you describe the essence of the
Corinthia brand ?
AP : My drive was the development of the material side that demanded other disciplines . This is the past . The present and future is more directed toward the identification of the individual . The more important element is the happiness of the individual at work and in life . In the eight hours they spend with us , if we make it possible collectively to improve the happiness of each other no doubt it will have a positive effect on the rest of their lives . I tell management to give respect , share knowledge and speak to the individuals , as they are the most important .
It is quite remarkable the response you get back . The investment in respect , in giving a hand , in taking interest in the personalities and their well-being , produces dividends which are far beyond what we can imagine .
If you walk into a room where everyone is laughing , you will laugh . So we do have an effect on each other simply by sensing these energies . So if we work on the energy , which makes people better , it will enhance the whole family they work with at work and home . H : How is the hotel company performing ? AP : The portfolio is performing well .
38 HOTELS June 2012 www . hotelsmag . com