HotelsMag July-August 2021 | Page 20

Jerry Inzerillo at the DGDA project . take a shower – poor kids learn to take showers at night as it ’ s the only time we can get into the bathroom – and say to myself , ‘ this is not who you are ,’” Inzerillo says . “ But I knew how to take an assignment and just out of sheer will and perseverance , see it through . But if I had to do it again , I probably would have drawn the Mandela line of dignity earlier and face that consequence .”
That recollection also leads Inzerillo to offer advice to the next generation of hotel leaders . “ I tell my people all the time , the moral high ground is never expedient , but it always works ,” he says . “ You must make your way through those energy vampires because they will provoke you to be the person you are meant to be . And the bigger the shadow , the bigger the person you are . So , when there ’ s a big shadow cast on you , don ’ t let the shadow intimidate you . Measure yourself against it and continue doing what Isadore Sharp says about trying to live ‘ The Golden Rule ’ and leading by example . And I believe all the pieces fall into place . If I didn ’ t believe that , I don ’ t think we could serve the way we do .”
He also suggests not to worry too much about outcomes as they happen automatically . “ You don ’ t have to worry about rewards . You don ’ t have to worry about salary . You don ’ t have to worry about promotions . If you serve with your people – and they know that you believe in them and they believe in you – and you serve your
guests , you ’ ll build relationships and the outcomes will take care of themselves .”
The only criteria to a career path , according to Inzerillo , is dedication . “ If the guests you serve take your energy , you could probably have a good season , maybe two . But if the guests you serve , including your team , are the source of your energy , you will never run out .”
Be fearless , Inzerillo adds , “ but it takes a long time to earn that . It takes a long time . It takes a long time to exhale .”
When asked about retirement , Inzerillo , who still has “ the eye of the tiger ,” says he is in no hurry . “ But if I were to stop , I ’ m very happy to stop . I have no problem with that . The business will no longer define me and that ’ s empowering and enlightening because what I will choose to do is elective and no longer dependent on my image of myself . So , I hope in the years to come , that I can serve and empower .”
He wants to stick around to make sure the industry stays healthy , retains its self-esteem and makes sure that everyone looks after each other . He talks about governments working closer together to further travel and tourism and perhaps serve as council to the likes of the WTTC , UNWTO , USTA . “ We ’ ll see . I don ’ t worry because the big man has it figured out more than me .”
18 hotelsmag . com July / August 2021