HotelsMag July-August 2016 | Page 14

RecRuiting Renewed

Mise en scène

Design is nothing . Before Design , there ’ s humanity , generosity , vision . i am not making a Design But a movie . When i Design something , i Don ’ t knoW if it is Beautiful or not , i Don ’ t care . But i knoW step By step What my frienDs Will feel , see , What emotions they Will have , anD When they leave , they Will say to their Wife , ‘ oh my goD , i Was in a place anD it Was full of energy , it gave me iDeas , it maDe me creative .’ Design is not life .
French designer PhiliPPe starck , in singaPore at MillenniuM & coPthorne ’ s First Msocial hotel , which he designed

RecRuiting Renewed

Susan Terry says hotels have an F & B staffing crisis , and she has a way to mitigate it .
Go beyond posting a job description and determine how to attract the right employees in the first place , says Terry , who joined Marcus Hotels & Resorts in Milwaukee , Wisconsin , early this year as vice president of culinary and food & beverage operations
after 25 years at Hyatt Hotels Corp .
Where to start ? Look at your social media streams — not as a customer , but as a potential employee . Facebook , Twitter , Instagram and LinkedIn all offer insights into work culture . “ What ’ s critical is that you tell a story they can connect with ,” she says . Connecting might mean emphasizing not the company ’ s benefits
policy but its recycling policy .
The story is told visually as well . Being active on Instagram is critical , and not just to post photos of whimsically plated entrees . Prospective hires “ want to see the real back of the house ,” she says . “ They want to see it raw and unfiltered so they have a sense of who these people are .”
Terry says she has
come to realize that on LinkedIn , she isn ’ t just touting her accomplishments . She is selling herself as a potential boss . “ What ’ s evolved is the way I write it — it ’ s not corporate-speak . It ’ s Susan-speak .”
Another aspect of corporate-speak to eradicate : meaningless job titles . “ We post these crazy titles that are only relevant in our industry . What ’ s a
susan terry
Cook 1 ? Explain what the heck the job is and give them a few bullet points .”
Bottom line : “ If you want creative people , recruit creatively .”
12 hotelsmag . com July / August 2016