HotelsMag July-August 2014 | Page 22

Global Update


Yvette Jong
bloG :

IS aIrbnb rEaLLy THE HOTEL InduSTry ’ S EnEMy ?

Hospitality exchange network Airbnb , San Francisco , is sometimes viewed as a business adversary for the hotel industry . A research paper from Boston University ’ s School of Management found a 1 % increase in Airbnb listings results in a 0.05 % decrease in that market ’ s quarterly hotel revenues .
In her recent post “ I heart Airbnb ,” HOTELSMag . com blogger Yvette Jong , founder and director , Craft House , Hong Kong , wrote Airbnb will not kill the hotel business , but is still worthy of attention . “ Airbnb will prove to be a leading source of lodging options and travel services of the future ,” Jong wrote . “ I hope governments will enable Airbnb to operate more freely without making them responsible for the actions of their hosts .”
Read the full post : http :// hotelsm . ag / 1lA6IZ4
IntervIew :


Brian McGuinness
Read the full interview : http :// hotelsm . ag / 1qYEaJw

bloG : arE bOuTIquE and gLObaL MuTuaLLy ExcLuSIvE ?

In his post “ Are boutique hotel operators not meant to go global ?” HOTELSMag . com blogger Ivar Yuste , partner , PHG Hotels & Resorts , Madrid , wrote , “ Old or partially protected assets are ideal targets for boutique operators that are capable of extracting the unique
Ivar Yuste personality of each building . Mainstream operators have product standards too strict for buildings that were not meant to be hotels in the first place .”
To meet these development opportunities , Yuste posits that not just the big brands , but also exclusively lifestyle hotel operators , could expand globally . “ Clearly there is a market for a global network of boutique hotels ,” Yuste stated . “ Are there any boutique operators taking a global approach to hotel development ?”
Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide announced in June that its select-service extendedstay brand Element will double its portfolio by 2017 and launch a brand refresh later this year .
“ The savings are in the ongoing operational expenses ,” Brian McGuinness , Starwood ’ s senior vice president , specialty select brands , said of Element ’ s costs . “ If you are saving a million gallons of potable water each year , your water bill is less . If you are using Energy Star appliances , your energy bill is less . We did a study where we found being ecofriendly is aspirational . But will the consumer pay a premium to be eco-friendly ? No .”
Read the full blog post : http :// hotelsm . ag / 1kKg9At
20 HOTELS July / August 2014 www . hotelsmag . com