HotelsMag January-February 2019 | Page 16

Previous Hotelier of the World award winner Jonathan Tisch of Loews Hotels ( l .) with the Shah family during the cocktail reception
Reception in the Madison Room at The Lotte New York Palace
Former Hotelier of the World award winner James McBride of Nihi Sumba Island ( l .), HOTELS Editor in Chief Jeff Weinstein , Philippe Leboeuf and 2017 Hotelier of the
World award winner Ed Mady of the Beverly Hills Hotel
Hotelier of the World award sponsor Kyle Kleinschmit of the Wall Street Journal with Jay Shah , HOTELS Jeff Weinstein , Philippe
Leboeuf and Joanne Pinter of the Wall Street Journal .
Gary Budge and Joanne Budge , of the Four Seasons Hotel New York ; Christian Hommerich and Francois Luiggi , of The Pierre , a Taj hotel , New
York City
Mandarin Oriental team members supporting Philippe Leboeuf at the Hotelier of the World awards were ( l . to r .): Andrew Rein , Abbey Nayor , Émilie Pichon , Leboeuf , Mandarin Oriental New York GM Susanne Hatje , and company COO Christoph Mares
14 hotelsmag . com January / February 2019