Give your guests the highest quality viewing experience without straining your bandwidth ! 1
Part of the DIRECTV Residential Experience
Give your guests the highest quality viewing experience without straining your bandwidth ! 1
Part of the DIRECTV Residential Experience
1 DIRECTV CINEMA : DIRECTV CINEMA HD movies starting at $ 5.99 . Requires DIRECTV Residential Experience Plus system with Guest Welcome Screen . Dedicated Internet connection and Property Management System integration required . 3mbps Internet bandwidth requirements only for off-hour refresh of movies . Actual number of titles will vary . DIRECTV CINEMA content requires an enhanced DRE HD Receiver ( H25 or later ) with DVR capability . Programming , pricing , terms and conditions subject to change at any time . Taxes not included . Movies expire 24-72 hours after you have begun to watch them . DIRECTV CINEMA purchases are nonrefundable . Visit directv . com / hotels for details . Netflix and the Netflix logo are trademarks of Netflix , Inc . REDBOX and the REDBOX design are registered trademarks of Redbox Automated Retail , LLC . DIRECTV ON DEMAND : DIRECTV CINEMA required . Access to available DIRECTV On Demand programming based on subscription to applicable premium networks . 2 DIRECTV CINEMA SERVER OFFER : Offer valid ( eligible dates ) 11 / 15 / 16 – 5 / 15 / 17 . Up to 200 qualifying new DRE Plus properties are eligible . Requires new DRE Plus Hospitality Property activated within eligible dates ; subscription to DRE HD Entertainment Bundle ; 5-year term and inclusion of T & Cs on Additional Services Addendum . Property must be VPN-connected , available via Monitoring Dashboard , and PMS-connected . Guest Welcome Screen Pro to be free for first 12 months . Only Guest Welcome Screen Basic will be guaranteed free past the first 12 months . 12-month banner ad test . 3 THREE-MONTH HBO OFFER : Must be a new or existing DIRECTV subscriber with a new 3- or 5-year programming