HotelsMag January-February 2016 | Page 28

“ Maybe you ’ ll see a version of autograph in the extended-stay category , as there are some other aspects oF the business that i don ’ t think soFt brands have quite inFiltrated , and i think they will .”
Special RepoRt : Soft brandS
itself ? Others , like Best Western ’ s Premier , are still in the early stages of development with only six hotels open at press time .
“ I think you ’ re going to start to see versions of Autograph in the 3-star category ,” Robinson says . “ Maybe you ’ ll see a version of Autograph in the extended-stay category as there are some other aspects of the business that I don ’ t think soft brands have quite infiltrated , and I think they will .”
Many of the collection brand leaders also point to an increase in new-build activity with owners wanting to maintain an indie identity yet recognizing the need to connect to a marketing engine – and in some cases to get institutional financing to move the project forward . “ The popularity of soft branding will continue to influence newbuild hotels ,” says Dianna Vaughan , global head , Curio – A Collection by Hilton .
Marriott ’ s Robinson says half of Autograph ’ s openings in 2015 were new-builds and that half of its current pipeline are new-builds , as well . A representative for Choice says they are seeing second generation hotelier families ( who may already franchise some traditionally branded

“ Maybe you ’ ll see a version of autograph in the extended-stay category , as there are some other aspects oF the business that i don ’ t think soFt brands have quite inFiltrated , and i think they will .”

– Julius Robinson hotels with Choice doing Ascend projects as new construction or historic rehabs . Perhaps flying in the face of Shah ’ s concern about the collections getting too big , Robinson says Marriott is finding new growth in secondary markets . “ We have some unique hotels in places like Portland , Maine , and Cleveland , Ohio ,” he boasts .
Then there is the global story for these brands . “ The American brands trying to get into Europe have all bumped into a very difficult task because they have only been able to brand new builds or major renovations ,” says Ted Teng , CEO of The Leading Hotels of the World , which , while based in New York City , has its roots and portfolio strength in Europe .
With Europe as a stronghold for traditional consortia , Preferred Hotels and Resorts President Lindsey Ueberroth says she would not be surprised if there is consolidation among her peer group . “ It will get harder and harder for the regional consortia to sustain their performance ,” she says . “ So I could see some consolidation in certain parts of the world to add value to members in certain pockets .”
Opened in June 2015 , The Envoy Hotel in Boston is a member of Marriott ’ s Autograph Collection , with rooms and suites that have a quintessentially urban feel and custom details .
24 HOTELS January / February 2016 www . hotelsmag . com