Marriott unveiLS FirSt aC hoteL in the uS
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Minor ’ S Strategy in aFriCa
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Marriott unveiLS FirSt aC hoteL in the uS
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Located in a renovated 1871-vintage cotton exchange building , AC Hotel New Orleans Bourbon / French Quarter Area marks the brand ’ s entry to the U . S . market . Marriott is set to open over 50 AC Hotels in the U . S . and Latin America over the next three years . interview :
Minor ’ S Strategy in aFriCa
hotelsm . ag / MinorCeo
On the heels of Minor Hotel Group ’ s recent partnership announcements with Sun International and Rani Investment , CEO Dillip Rajakarier discusses the company ’ s commitment to growth in Africa and around the globe . Rajakarier predicts Minor will target 150 properties open and under development worldwide by the end of 2015 . http :// www . hotelsmag . com / Industry / News / Details / 54040
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What are you Wearing ?
hotelsm . ag / FSLanai
The Four Seasons Lana ’ i recently debuted a RFID wristband for guest check-in . General Manager Tom Roelens writes that he hopes to add F & B , spa and other retail transaction capabilities to the wristband to make the guest experience worry-free .
4 HOTELS January / February 2015 www . hotelsmag . com