January / February 2 0 15
VOL . 49 , NO . 1
SpecIal reporT
The Digital Marketer
“ It ’ s a lot of trial and error ” as the digital world presents a host of new challenges for marketing , advertising and public relations executives . Today , they increasingly shift their budgets to keep up with and work across the seemingly endless influx of new channels , data points and mobile devices .
Creating Hospitality
JANDA Premium Porcelain
39 XX 44
F & B
Kids menu redux
Westin ’ s decisions to partner with doctors , dentists and dieticians to create the Eat Well Menu for Kids is one example of how kids ’ menus are evolving yet again . Who knew menu options would include “ build your own ” fruit crèpes and salmon Niçoise salad . Is this a real trend that is here to stay ?
The InTervIew
Brad Wilson
Ace is one of the hottest boutique chic brands around . All you have to do is walk into the its lobby in New York City to see the crowd slurping Stumptown Coffee or head to the rooftop bar in downtown LA to see just how hot this quirky brand has become . Brad Wilson is driving selective global expansion and talks to HOTELS about the company ’ s culture and its hotels ’ essence .
Attention ! New Series
Janda – Your stylist for appealing food presentation