HotelsMag December 2015 | Page 5


VOL . 49 , NO . 10
SPeCial RePoRT
Humble companies , big impacts
Although impactful corporate social responsibility programs have become prevalent among the world ’ s hotel giants , smaller companies are spearheading unique programs that result in meaningful contributions to a diverse variety of charities . Read about a handful of CSR innovators .
Regional PRoFile
Europe ’ s hotel growth continues to be somewhat muted , even though its economies began to regain momentum in 2014 . Slowand-steady growth in Europe has even been described as a mask to long-term tourism declines but long-haul travel to Europe is coming off a positive third quarter and the upward trend in arrivals is set to continue . What will it mean to development ?
F & B
Menu engineering
While recent buzz in F & B circles has centered on the celebrity and developing restaurants with renown chefs , today ’ s pioneers are casting a narrower net to attract a much more unlikely crowd : the locals . And although food is getting more refined , hotel restaurants are generally becoming more relaxed , catering not just to Millennials , but also an older crowd .
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