HotelsMag December 2014 | Page 24

The hoTel indusTry forecasT for 2015 can be summed up in one word : over-delivery . Corporate executives
Special RepoRt : 2015 forecast

Good won ’ t be Good enouGh .

by Oriana LErnEr , cOnTribuTing EdiTOr

The hoTel indusTry forecasT for 2015 can be summed up in one word : over-delivery . Corporate executives

and property-level management are going to have a whole new menu of technological , design , marketing and operational tools to help them work better , faster and smarter for the next 12 months and beyond . However , they are going to have to use every possible tool to deliver both guest services and bottom-line numbers that will keep them ahead of their competitors . What follows is a roadmap to help navigate the challenges and opportunities of when “ outperform ” is really just business as usual .
22 HOTELS December 2014 www . hotelsmag . com