HotelsMag April 2020 | Page 48

Designer Jean-Michel Gathy maps new luxury terrains with global brands .

Designer Jean-Michel Gathy maps new luxury terrains with global brands .

Contributed by ALICIA SHEBER
an inquisitive child , Belgiumborn architect and interior

AS designer Jean-Michel Gathy took it to heart when his father suggested he follow the mandate from U . S . President John F . Kennedy ’ s 1961 inaugural address to “ ask not what your country can do for you , ask what you can do for your country .”

That request to the younger Gathy resulted in a life-long quest that underpins the work ethic of the CEO and principal designer of Denniston , the Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia-based studio founded by Gathy in 1983 that specializes in ultra-luxurious resorts .
“ We all have a destiny and should try to fulfill what we feel we are on earth to do ,” he says . “ My work philosophy is that you get what you deserve , so you have to work hard .”
And that he does . The 64-year-old says he never missed a day of school as a child , nor a day of work as an adult . With renowned projects managed from Denniston ’ s offices in Cape Town , South Africa ; Belgrade , Serbia ; and Mérida , Mexico , the demands resulting from different time zones , continents and cultures are there seven days a week .
“ My work is my life , and I wouldn ’ t want it any other way ,” he says . “ I want to make sure I never fail my clients and always exceed their expectations . If I stopped working today , I would die on the spot !”
Fortunately , Gathy has a zest for life . His personal goals are to have a happy family , be
46 hotelsmag . com April 2020