HotelsMag April 2015 | Page 29

Special RepoRt : Leadership

GooGle hotel philosopher

Sharan PaSricha , managing Partner , enniSmore caPital , and ceo , hoxton hotelS
Ask most hotel CEOs to describe their concept in five words and you probably won ’ t hear “ no bull ” as two of them . Then again , most hotel CEOs never had to go to work under police protection , either . Sharan Pasricha , CEO , Hoxton Hotels , London , has been there and done that . The same maverick tendencies he brought to one of the lifestyle segment ’ s hottest up-and-coming flags also made their mark on his uncle ’ s leather goods factory in Delhi . Tasked with turning around the company , Pasricha did just that , beginning with trimming the fat ( for example , 100 employees he felt weren ’ t doing their best ). In return , he was burned in effigy .
That might seem like a surprising backstory for a CEO who calls his job “ conductor of our choir ” and thrives on collaboration . But if there ’ s one lesson Pasricha has culled from a resume with credits as diverse as a media start-up and an investment firm , it ’ s how to switch from single- to multi-player mode . And he ’ s the first one to admit that no matter how single-minded an entrepreneur needs to be , knowing when to be the student is as important as knowing when to be the master .
“ We don ’ t hire based on experience at the hox and have pretty much adopted the GooGle philosophy at our business , Where if you ’ re smart enouGh you ’ ll fiGure stuff out .”
– Sharan PaSricha
www . hotelsmag . com April 2015 HOTELS 27