HotelsMag April 2015 | Page 25

Special RepoRt : Leadership on cost containment and expense control versus how to improve pace and topline revenue gains .” Making that happen , though , does go back to putting in face time as she says it goes a long way to garner loyalty .
When she ’ s done mentoring staff and boosting the bottom line , Kanagasingham is just starting her other day job as area general manager , tasked with making a mark in the crowded Big Apple market . Even with the hotel ’ s naturedriven design , she knows that standing out will take a holistic approach .
“ some Gms miss the importance of overall revenue strateGy . often , time is spent on cost containment and expense control versus how to improve pace and top-line revenue Gains .”
– Shan KanagaSingham
But , when she turns toward the future of the brand , she ’ s thinking very big picture .“ I ’ d like to see 1 open 20 to 30 hotels by 2030 .” Then again , that ambition might just be an illustration of the old adage about doing what you love .
“ This is my chance to change everything I want to in the industry — to serve a higher purpose and cause , where I am able to lead our brand by being socially responsible , environmentally conscious and influence our carbon footprint ,” Kanagasingham says . difference between influence and control ,” she says .
She ’ s also quick to point out that no matter how highly she values time spent nurturing staff , she ’ s also helming a multi-million-dollar business . “ I wish I ’ d understood that better in my first job as a GM ,” she says . “ It ’ s challenging to plan ahead while balancing the day-today and having a helicopter view of what needs to be accomplished while being entrenched in the minutiae — the devil is in the details .”
That aerial perspective is , at least in part , a numbers game for Kanagasingham . And it ’ s one with just as many pluses as minuses . “ I believe that some GMs miss the importance of overall revenue strategy . Often , time is spent
Model of 1 Hotels bedroom
www . hotelsmag . com April 2015 HOTELS 23