HOTELIER Magazine 2nd issue - English | Page 26

You have already a wonderful background and big experience in the hospitality industry, especially managing hotels’ restaurants. Could you please tell us several points about the nuances of hotel’s restaurant manager should strictly follow? have a lot of acquaintances asking me what motivated me to pursue a career in the hotel and tourism industry. They would be better off asking me to define the purpose of life or explain astrophysics because there is no clear and certain answer to that question. It all depends on what a person seeks from choosing to work in hotels. The reasons are just about as vast as the industry and as deep as its roots in history. Historically, people traveled around and just as today the basic needs such as a warm bed and healthy meals had to be met. However, unlike ancient times, the industry has continuously evolved to its highest extents – and with future technologies and resources, promises to innovate more and more with every single client. Whether your corporation needs a 100 person conference room, you decide to go on an exotic honeymoon, or finally take time off with your family at a summer resort, working in hotels requires you – professionally – to ensure that your clients’ wants and needs are met and even exceeded; and unlike past times, they are not limited to just a warm bed or healthy meals. Whoever is involved with this industry needs to understand that keeping up with its current trends is a key success factor. Another reason is that hospitality requires you to work in a multi-cultural environment. Working in a hotel does not mean that internationalism within the establishment stops at your clients; for the people behind the reception, in the kitchen and at the offices come from all corners of the world and they bring along with them their own language, cultural background, and ideas on how to efficiently work within the industry. In my 10 years of experience, I had the honor to work with colleagues from Italy, Russia, Africa, France, England, America, Argentina, Brazil. All these people had taught me how to maximize my working capabilities based on their own personal experience within their home-countries; which at the end of the day not only enriched my practical skills – but my knowledge on other countries as well. A key factor in this “job description” is to be able to communicate and work with different people from different backgrounds – as one big team. The hospitality industry allows you to develop yourself – professionally and as a person. Not only do you improve on the professional skills you already possess, but with time and commitment, you learn others due to the variety of colleagues, clients, and situations that will put you to the test. Various characteristics are required for working in a hotel. These range from soft-skills such as organization, communicating or working in a team; to more technical competencies such as serving, revenue management, accounting and facilities management. Also, probably the most important matter is that you – literally – take care of people. This is debatable, but my experience tells me it takes empathy and commitment to put another person’s needs and desires ahead of your own – while keeping a smile on your face. Customers come to hotels for various reasons, but in short, they want an experience. They want hotel employees and representatives to accord their time, care and attention. And just as people differ greatly, so does the care and commitment each hotelier exhibits to his/her clients. Some may settle for meeting the basics, such as checking-in a family or serving beverages at the hotel’s bar, but others will take an extra step and not just meet their client’s demands, but also exceed them. With today’s fast-growing businesses, more and more focus is I