One of the sacred places of ARARAT Museum is the Treasury, where the oldest brandies and brandy
spirits are kept.
And even this place which is closed during the regular tours can be revealed. Thanks to the AR & VR
technologies each visitor of ARARAT Museum can discover the Treasury of Yerevan Brandy Company in
2 simple steps – by downloading ARARAT Yerevan App & scanning the special mark placed right on the
door of the Paradise in ARARAT Museum.
Gevorg Zurnachyan - Hotel Photographer
There is a big difference between being a professional photographer and a
professional hotel photo shooter. The trickiest part is that you must pay attention
to every detail of hotel room interior to be able to show everything on one photo
and do it in high quality. Nowadays, hotels work very closely with Online Travel
Agencies and these agencies can have various requirements. Several well known
OTAs demand minimum 4 photos per room, so you must show all the room with
its facilities and amenities in only 4 photos. Other OTAs have limitations and allow
maximum of 2 photos per room, and these are the most difficult cases, because you
need to get creative here with technics you use while shooting and some tactics
when editing, like shooting with fish-eye lenses then deeply and carefully editing
each photo. The ultimate result/goal is not to disappoint the guest who chose the
hotel based on the good pictures, this means presenting the rooms and amenities
in the most presentable way possible, but also portraying it very close to the reality.