Interview with Sales and Marketing director of HOTEL NATIONAL
Please tell us about
Hotel National, when was it
established, is it part of any
international hotel chain?
that Hotel National, which
values continuous learning,
would provide me with them.
I started working here in April
2017 and since then no two days
he “Hotel National” opened have ever been the same, as our
its doors in December 2012 entire team is very inspiring.
and was a member of Luxury
Group. It’s a modern boutique •
What is the best part of
hotel and is not a part of an your job you particularly like?
international hotel chain. The
Hotel started its activity with
key factor for this job is to
39 rooms and during 3.5 years
be able to communicate
of operation, has enlarged by and work with different people
increased the total number to 75 from different backgrounds –
exclusively comfortable rooms.
as one big team. Also, probably
One of the main features of the most important matter is
the Hotel is its location. Being that you – literally – take care of
located in the very heart of the people.
city it is in a walking distance
with the main sightseeing of the •
city centre and is only 130m. far challenge you’ve had so far
from the Republic Square.
working in this hotel?
For those who is interested in
improving the overall physical
hallenges that require us to
fitness, strengthen or just relax,
go over and above out call of
we are pleased to offer a 24-hour duty. Most probably, the biggest
operating fitness centre and SPA challenge was Francophonie
with the indoor swimming pool, Summit 2018 representing
sauna and steam sauna. Visiting Armenian hospitality to the
the centre, guests will feel a world when we had to carry out
burst of energy and feeling of our service at the highest level
and above.
Our professional and well-
trained staff offer an attentive, •
Did you always want to
personalized service and are work in HoReCa business? If
always available to offer any help yes, how did you pursue your
to our guests.
career in this field? Where did
you study, where did you work
Why and how did you before you got this job?
decide to work for National
hen I was a child, I was
dreaming about my own
hen I’ve got the job offer small hotel. Even picked one old
from Hotel National, but very beautiful building (on
I was currently working in Moskovyan Street) for my future
an NGO. At that point, I business :)
was looking for a new career Years later, I’ve got a chance to
development opportunity in my work in a small hotel, which
professional career and after a was my first experience in that
personal interview, I believed field. It actually helped me to
understand that hospitality
industry allows you to develop
yourself – professionally and
as a person. Not only you do
improve the professional skills
you already possess, but with
time and commitment you
learn others due to the variety of
colleagues, clients and situations
that will put you to the test.
I have studied International
Economics, but all the jobs that I
had were connected to tourism.
I always stayed in Armenia and
didn’t work abroad, but I’d love
to have the opportunity to live
and work in other countries as
Lilit Torossian, Director of Sales and Marketing since 2017. HOTEL NATIONAL