Hotelier Indonesia Magazine 30th Edition Edition 30th Finale 2017 | Page 6
SHR-Keeping Hotels Competitive
indsurfer® CRS offers
advanced features
that allow you to
easily manage your
rates and inventory across all
distribution channels, providing
not only one of the best boo-
king engines on the market, but
also the strongest integrations
and connections to wherever
you sell your rooms
Windsurfer® CRS
SHR -- Keeping Hotels Competitive
SHR is a premiere provider of advanced
tools and services that help hotels exe-
cute their best distribution strategy while
delighting guests and optimizing profitabil-
ity. The technical maturity of SHR—having
built not one but two Central Reservations
Systems (CRS)—is second to none. In addi-
tion to serving thousands of properties
around the globe with Windsurfer® CRS
as well as the Internet Booking Engine,
TopSail™, the company also provides
Revenue Management for Hire to brands,
chains, and management companies. By
bringing hoteliers nimble technology,
intelligently supported by tested industry
experts, SHR fulfills its brand promise every
day—keeping hotels competitive.
HOTELIER INDONESIA | 30th | Vol 14 | 2017 |