part of our business.”
prefer - possibly dispelling some potential have technical issues.” Admitting that the apprehension that may be felt by company encountered a few snags when hoteliers who have been in the industry it first launched, these were considered to with the chance of guests misusing the
for some years. merely be the common teething problems app to over order or overbook, resting
expected to pop up with any new solely on their shoulders. As the app is
capabilities of the service, de Haan software. He continues: “Most of these expected to be downloaded on the guest’s
suggests that eventually the conventional issues were solved within a few minutes to personal mobile device, whatever they do
method of handling bookings, check-ins max 30 minutes. We offer the best support order through 4Suites will be traceable
and payments directly with hotel staff will possible and see this as a very important back to them. “Room service orders, for
However, despite the halfway-house
The service also aims to be secure,
die out. “Everybody likes efficiency and example, will be charged on the account of
a smooth guest experience. Research the guest, not on the room. Everything a
shows that 85% of guests bring mobile guest orders or books in the app will be his
devices during their travels, 32% of guests or her responsibility. The risk of misuse is
wants mobile check-in.” These findings therefore negligible.”
App-operated booking is just one
are followed by the bold claim that
“keycards will be disappeared within five of the ways the hospitality industry is
years from now”. being modernised and 4Suites is just
one company who are creating products
Outside of the worries that technology
will completely take over the way we do to fit that. Whether it be keyless hotel
things, there is also a concern for how rooms or automated check-in areas, the
reliable electronic-dependent processes introduction of this service only proves
are. But 4Suites have worked to create that sooner or later, technology-driven
interaction will be commonplace in our
a product which they believe has a low
break down rate. De Haan says: “We barely
hotels and everyday life.
October 2017