Hotel Concept of the Month:
Enchanted Manor
With its current managers looking to slow down, the Isle of Wight’s Enchanted Manor is looking for new full time
owners who will continue to ensure the bed and breakfast remains a popular romantic destination for couples
and a magical haven for its guests
hile some may only wish of it was all fated. We walked through the
staying at a truly magical hotel, door and my first words were, ‘This is really
the Enchanted Manor in the Isle enchanting.’ That’s where this began.”
of Wight tries its best to make that happen.
Outside of celebratory events, Maggie
Run by husband and wife Maggie and Ric and Ric strive to make the stay as special
Hil ton, the Enchanted Manor lives up to its as possible for all of their guests, omitting
name, with its décor echoing the spaces common practices for a slightly more unique
in dreams and fairytales. Designing the experience. Due to “changing trends”, the
hotel to be an “escape from reality and the couple stopped serving a cooked breakfast
stresses of life”, the property practically fell this year, in place of a cold option for guests
into the role of becoming an ‘enchanted’ to eat away from the hotel kitchen and dining
venue where guests celebrate birthdays, area. “They can have them in their suites or
weddings and anniversaries. Maggie says: they can take them away so it’s much more
“We didn’t really intend it to be that way but flexible.” They also make up a picnic brunch
we attract people celebrating.” with homemade dishes so guests can enjoy
Its popularity as a romantic getaway
has led to the hotel appearing on TV shows
the hotels attractive coastline view.
Prioritising a human touch and their
such as Channel 4’s Four in a Bed and guests’ happiness, Maggie and Ric hope
reality show Four Weddings. The Enchanted that whoever runs the hotel after them will
Manor was also recently awarded the Isle continue their legacy of running a friendly
of Wight’s Best Wedding Venue, boasts and welcoming lodging. While they do
glowing TripAdvisor reviews and was given a not envision themselves stepping away
five-star Gold AA award. completely from the hotel they live next to,
Being the first person in the Isle of
they are open to seeing the property be
Wight to gain a wedding licence, Maggie opened all year rather than the five or six
purchased the property when it was still months it currently runs. She also states it
known as the Windcliffe Manor and was could work for someone who wants to veer
a ‘run down’ business. “We kept having away from weddings and develop it as a
people say you’ve got to see this place at lifestyle location. “It wouldn’t suit anyone
St Catherine’s Point, it’ll suit you down to just looking for a basic contemporary hotel;
the ground,” Maggie says. “We just came it will be someone looking for something
to have a look to appease our friend and different and special.”
October 2017