Hotel Concept of the Month:
Zed Rooms - Woom Room
A team of experts have joined forces to deliver London’s first boutique getaway scientifically designed
to give you the ‘best night’s sleep possible’ which includes a room modelled after the womb
the brain acts as a ‘night watchman’ in
unfamiliar surroundings – resulting in a poor
night’s rest.
Designed to encourage REM-rich
slumber - the type of sleep which increases
brain activity, promotes learning and
creates dreams, the rooms engage with
every sensorial touchpoint of the body;
constructing a “holistic ecosystem that
enhances your sleep”.
Each apartment has two rooms – the
Woom and Loom Rooms. The Woom Room
features a cocoon-like bed which has been
ocated in Shoreditch, the Zed designed to mimic the safety and security
Rooms is the result of nine months of a womb, so you sleep like a baby. The
development involving experts from Loom Room is home to a snug four poster
Simba, Cuckooz and Studio Stilton to create bed, designed for dreaming and draped with
“state-of-the-art boutique apartment” using luxurious ethereal fabrics.
insights rooted in the “science of sleep”.
Muted lighting, blackout blinds and
bed, and the rocking chairs are on hand to
sound absorbing curtains help to promote lull you into a relaxed state of mind. The
away from home” designed around the “positivity and relaxation” while muting prints on the walls have also been chosen
pursuit of sleep excellence by tackling the the brains ‘red alert’ status in a new to be “inspirational dream fodder”.
‘first night effect’. The first night effect is a environment.
The partnership aims to deliver a “home
natural reaction discovered by scientists
over a decade ago whereby one half of
The furniture’s rounded edges and
softened corners mimic the sensation of
The Zed Rooms also offer a “bespoke
sleep menu”, rich in serotonin, melatonin
and tryptophan, created in partnership with
celebrity favourite, Detox Kitchen.
Co-founder of Cuckooz, Fabienne O’Neill,
said: “The disruption of the accommodation
sector, how we travel, where we stay and
what we accept as the norm when spending
time away from home has been a long time
coming. At Cuckooz we strive to be at the
forefront of innovation within the hospitality
sector and to push the boundaries when it
comes to guest experience.
Hotel design contributor and resident
sleep psychologist at Simba, Hope Bastine,
added: “Sleep is an all-encompassing
experience and every element matters. The
Zed Rooms are an elaborate infrastructure
of symbiotic components, geared entirely
to honing quality sleep. Fine tuning you
overnight to navigate whatever life throws
at you the following day.”
February 2019