analyse whether a certain partnership of building a relationship with your hotel’s
has worked, and whether you would like local community, from boosting your
to continue with it. Looking at a range of audience reach and market awareness
measurements, from cost savings and through combined strategies to adding a
brand awareness to website referrals and new dimension to your guest experience.
press exposure, can really paint a picture Not only will forging partnerships create
of whether the partnership has benefited a sense of place for your brand that is
you. Asking for feedback from your pre- enhanced by your partners, but it can shape
existing guests is also a great way to a collective offering that will simultaneously
assess the success of a partnership as develop new opportunities for both your
you are also trying to create an enhanced hotel and community.
experience for them when they visit.
Measuring brand perception through By Julia Davies, director of marketing and
social listening or surveying attendees PR at The Cottage in the Wood, Malvern.
to partnership events who have never A former consultant to the pharmaceutical
experienced your hotel before provides industry, Davies left the corporate world
another level of third-party assessment. in 2015 to take on the ownership of the
There’s much to be said for the benefits
30-bedroom property.
April 2019