ADVICE > improving your online reviews
EVAN DAVIES, founder of hotel management and marketing firm
The Booking Factory, explains how hoteliers can receive five times
more guests reviews on Google and Facebook
Why boost your reviews on Google
and Facebook?
the Google maps section in searches.
It doesn’t matter if you’re competing
There are three main reasons why you against a large chain hotel in your area, if
should put effort into getting more Google you have more real Google reviews, your
and Facebook reviews. smaller hotel will show up higher in the
1. You increase brand trust search rankings.
2. You increase your online exposure
and SEO
3. You gain customer intelligence
Under the map, your hotel name will
appear with a link to your site, along with
your overall review rating, some basic info,
a picture and your room rate. This is the
EVAN DAVIES Brand trust marketing firm The Booking Factory power towards influencing transparency Feedback
and social proof. In Facebook’s case, in Encouraging more reviews on Facebook
W order for customers to leave a review they and Google also lets you know what
hen you ask guests to write a must have an account. This means for you’re doing right, and what you’re doing
review of your hotel, where’s the every review, the majority will show a real wrong. These customer insights can tell
first place they go? person behind that feedback. you the features your guests like, any
are huge benefits for generating more your reviews are authentic and written by reviews on TripAdvisor, there are other someone who has genuinely visited your options to consider. hotel. Real reviews from real people are way to improve your service and make
the key to inspiring trust in your brand. incremental changes to enhance the
Founder of hotel management and
To TripAdvisor, right? Although there
Hoteliers have become reliant on
power reviews can have on your SEO.
Google and Facebook reviews hold great
This shows potential guests that
improvements they’d suggest and whether
they had an overall positive experience.
You can use every review as a
guest experience.
TripAdvisor as their main source of guest
reviews, but this could be limiting your SEO scope for increased traffic and conversions. The main reason for encouraging Google 5 tips to encourage Google and
and Facebook reviews is the SEO factor. Facebook reviews
Google hold great weight in Google’s When Google sees authentic reviews Now you know why you should encourage
search algorithms. Google dominates which are not created by fake accounts or more Facebook and Google reviews,
search requests in the online world, so it bots, Google gives your hotel more value instead of relying purely on TripAdvisor,
makes sense to put focus in encouraging in the search engines. This results in here are a few ways to urge guests to
reviews here. higher search rankings for you. review elsewhere.
Review pages on Facebook and
Since Google pays close attention
Google reviews are a contributing
1) Create your Google My Business
to Facebook reviews for your search driver for Google local SEO. In fact, 8.4% ranking, both play an equally crucial of Google’s entire search algorithm was role for your local SEO. They’re also driven by review signals in 2016, according For starters, ensure you have a Google
an indicator to potential guests that to Search Engine Land. My Business Page set up with all the
Having more reviews on Google’s necessary details completed. This is the
enjoyed their stay with you. This is My Business can be one of your best account that has the biggest impact on
the crux for generating trust and marketing tactics. That’s largely due to your search rankings.
confidence in your property. Google reviews affecting your visibility in
you do in fact exist and people have
If you need a jump-start, have a look
April 2017