Don’t let Brexit get you down
Negative reporting of Brexit is undermining a democratic decision, but with a little optimism
the UK’s hospitality sector will continue to attract both inbound and domestic visitors.
according to the needs of business.
There is no denying we have a
problem in finding sufficient people
to fill vacancies in hospitality but this
was true before the referendum and
it arguably owes more to the negative
perceptions of a life in hotel and
catering work peddled by parents and
teachers than any other factor.
High on the list of worries is
inflation especially in regard to
imported goods, and while it is true
that a weaker pound buys you fewer
qualities last. So what are they? Here’s
my personal list in no particular order:
n A
language understood by 25% of
the world’s population
n T
he Royal family and attendant
ceremonial events
n S
tately homes, castles and historic
n B
lack taxis, red pillar-boxes and white
n J
aw dropping scenery in almost
every region
n O
utstanding food served by friendly
Have you noticed how often good Spanish oranges the currency will news is prefaced with the words continue to fluctuate endlessly. My “despite Brexit”? The assumption own suspicion is that consumers behind this phrase - fast becoming will actively look for British grown n Freedom of speech
a habit among some journalists - is produce in the quest for better n Makers of luxury goods
that our impending departure from value and will expect hoteliers n Tolerance of diverse faiths and
the European Union (EU) can only do and restaurateurs to do the same. harm to our economy and therefore Caterers can be amazingly flexible n Great British wit
to our businesses. with their menus according to supply n Weather
This is not the place, and I am not
the person, to start a political rant
and demand.
For our customers, confidence is
n H
otels to suit all budgets, from basic
to the frankly ludicrous
Yes you did read that last one
correctly. Years ago my family
on the merits of either side of the critical to their willingness to spend received guests from California
debate, but I do believe we are at risk on discretionary items such as meals who were terribly excited by the
of talking ourselves into unnecessary out and hotel stays. That confidence prospect of wearing their gloves and
difficulties by adopting a negative should be boosted whenever strong scarves, instruments of torture in
approach to a decision that has been GDP growth is revealed or when the sunny Beverly Hills - the very thing
democratically made. unemployment figure drops and in we try to escape when heading for
my view reporters ought to resist the the Mediterranean ourselves may
the greatest concern of hoteliers temptation to justify their own surprise actually be an advantage too. For
today, the recruitment of staff. It (at good news) by adding speculative golfers it is certainly nicer to be cool
seems inconceivable to me that our warnings of worse to come when the than sweltering and as anyone who
government will seek to deport EU full horror of our mistake takes hold. has been to Scotland out of season
citizens currently living and working Am I alone in missing the days when will know there’s nothing quite as
in the UK. Nobody has expressed a news was all about telling us what comforting as a glass of whisky in
desire to do this and indeed we have happened today rather than guessing front of a roaring fire after a period of
received reassurance from David what might happen tomorrow? exertion outdoors.
Let’s look firstly at perhaps
We’ve coped with bigger
Davis that they have nothing to worry The fact is that Britain is still one about. He went further on TV recently of the safest places on earth and will challenges than Brexit. So let’s be
suggesting that the numbers coming go on attracting inbound and domestic optimistic and see if it rubs off on
here may even increase in some years visitors for as long as its unique our customers.
April 2017