Hot Seller Tips Hot Seller Tips - Adam de Jong | Page 98

Hot Seller Tips Principle 3: Create Space What is one thing that all buyers seem to have in common? Overwhelmingly, they want homes that feel spacious. They want spaces with room to move and that feel open and inviting. They DON’T want rooms that feel cramped and claustrophobic. So when staging your property it is important to position your furniture correctly to create a sense of FLOW and SPACE through your home. Remove Excess Furniture As I mentioned earlier, the way you live in a home is very different from the way you present it for sale. This particularly applies to the amount of furniture you have in each room. When living in a home, you have lots of pieces of furniture that are very functional and useful, that serve you well in your daily life. When staging your property REMOVE all of these excess items. They can make rooms look uncomfortably cramped and reduce the overall sense of space. You don’t want your buyers to bump into knick-knacks as they inspect your property. Only leave the larger, purpose-specific furniture in each room and remove the rest. 98 HotSellerTips.