Hot Seller Tips Hot Seller Tips - Adam de Jong | Page 64

Hot Seller Tips If you know what your buyers are looking for, then you can more easily ensure your property meets their particular needs. This might be as simple as adding a security door for single parents or creating a home office in a small, unused corner for young professionals. So how do you find the answers to these questions? Many of the answers you will already know. And to answer the others you will need to do some research. How to research: 1. Talk to Agents: They have the insider knowledge, experience and most importantly statistics that will tell you what buyers are looking for. 2. Study the Competition: Visit other open homes in your selling area on a Saturday and look at what your competitor properties offer. LISTEN to what the buyers are saying as they wander around – THEY will be honestly discussing what they like with their friends and family. 3. Compare Sales Results: Look at what has sold and for what price. What achieved the premium prices? What features did they have in common? Ask the agents what the buyers’ feedback was about these properties – they will usually know why the buyer decided to buy that particular property. 64 HotSellerTips.