Hot Metabolism : The Metabolic Exercise Plan Carolyn Hansen Hot Metabolism System | Page 9

Now, even if these numbers do not sound like they could make much of a difference to your weight loss efforts, nonetheless, over time this effect can lead to a real change in body composition (muscle to fat ratio). If you approach the idea of gaining muscle seriously, by adding proper strength training to your workouts, you can add far m ore than ten pounds of muscle to your frame. You can also do a lot better than just to sit there and admire that newfound mass. You can put those fat burning furnaces to use! Summary Muscle tissue is the secret weapon in the fight against flab. Adding muscle to your frame also offers a great number of added health benefits, not the least of which include a reduction in the likelihood that you will suffer back pain, high blood pressure, and decreased sexual performance in later life. For the gentlemen out there you may be interested to learn that erectile dysfunction plays a much greater role in the sex lives of those unlucky chaps who sport a pot belly. Just one more reason to elevate your metabolism by adding muscle tissue through proper strength training! In the Exercise Plan volume of my Hot Metabolism system I show you how to get the most out of your gym sessions. This will allow you to maximize the amount of muscle growth for the least amount of work so that you can increase your base metabolic rate and burn fat continuously. In fact, this method of increasing metabolism is doubly effective because your muscles will continue to burn fat even while you sleep. They never switch off. What matters is the accumulative effect over time.