Hot Metabolism : The Metabolic Exercise Plan Carolyn Hansen Hot Metabolism System | Page 2

Introduction Have you ever wondered why some people seem to be able to eat almost anything they like and yet they do not have to worry that their socially annoying habit of doing so in front of you will not lead to excess pounds of body fat on their hips and thighs, or around their abdomen? How exactly is this possible? Are they doing anything special that you are not doing, or are they just blessed by the gods in some way? And if they ARE doing something unusual, can you do it too? In this report you are going to discover some of the answers to these questions. You are going to learn what the primary factors are that control how much energy you burn from day to day. More importantly, when you understand what these factors are you will be able to see what YOU personally can do to control them. Some people are born with a genetic disposition to run their metabolism on high, and they can therefore eat pretty much whatever they like. But for the rest of us - and that means the MAJORITY of us - a little knowledge can go a long way to improving the way we approach the problem of trying to stay lean and avoid becoming a slave to the bathroom scales that tend to play too great a role in our modern day lives. Hello. My name is Carolyn Hansen, and I have spent a great deal of my time over the years thinking about how I can maintain my figure without having to constantly monitor everything that I eat. If you share this same concern then this report was written for you. One of the biggest discoveries that I have made in the last 30 odd years that I have concerned myself almost exclusively with matters of fitness is that my metabolic rate is not something that is cast in stone, but is in fact highly malleable. I can choose to lower my metabolism, or I can