HOT Magazine June 15, 2015 | Page 19

HOT AROUND TOWN AMARI HUA HIN IS THE PROUD RECIPIENT OF THE “BOOKING.COM 2014 AWARD OF EXCELLENCE” Led by General Manager, Christoph Leonhard (centre, holding the plaque), together with executives, Amari Hua Hin proudly receives the “ 2014 Award of Excellence”, as voted by users from more than 300 properties in Hua Hin. The annual award is presented to a select group of partners in recognition of their achievements over the past year, measured by overall guest review scores. From Left: Watcharaphon Ketmangmi, Director of Engineering; Punnada Thongjeen, Director of Finance; Christoph Leonhard, General Manager; Hathairat NaenKwaen, Director of Revenue Management; and Kowit Taola, Manager of Learning and Development For reservations and enquiries, please call 032 616 600 or email [email protected]. CENTARA GRAND BEACH RESORT AND VILLAS HUA HIN LAUNCHES “NO RAIN GUARANTEE” PROMOTION Centara Grand Beach Resort and Villas Hua Hin, a member of Leading Hotels of the World, launches “No Rain Guarantee” promotion. If it rains between 2 pm and 8 pm, the guest’s dinner on the same day is on us. Dinner is subject to either a 3 course set menu or the themed nightly buffets (food only). This offer is valid for direct bookings with the hotel and via the brand website from now until 31st July 2015. For reservations and more information, please call 032 512021-38, e-mail [email protected] or visit www. THE 1ST ASEAN CONFERENCE ON ADDICTION RESEARCH & THERAPY Dr. Prat Boonyawongwiroj, Secretary General of Prostheses Foundation of H.R.H. The Princess Mother, acting in his role as Chairman of the organizing committee of 1st ASEAN Conference on Addiction Research & Therapy, presented a plaque of appreciation to Niti Mokaphun, Marketing Communications Manager of Dusit Thani Hua Hin, during a recent conference at the hotel. The authorities were offering thanks to Dusit Thani Hua Hin for their generous support of this key conference which drew participating delegates from more than 14 countries. June 15 - July 15 , 2015 19