er back and the floor . This should not feel strained or uncomfortable . Take your fist and place it gently under your back to measure the space . Just lay back and relax , noticing your belly rise and fall . Tip your pelvis under and try and feel your lower abs right above your pubic bone . This will help you work out your internal abdomen muscles giving them strength as well . Many times , these muscles are weakened by poor posture and stress . Your abdomen muscles are the core to the rise and fall of your diaphragm . Like all other muscles they need to be worked out for good health . Just like working out other muscles that have become more laid back , working out these muscles can take time and practice to get back into bikini body shape . That ’ s it for our very first breathing work out . Remember that a great body starts with a great tune up . Come join us at www . thebodytune . com for your weekly workout . Start Tuning your Body at www . thebodytune . com
er back and the floor . This should not feel strained or uncomfortable . Take your fist and place it gently under your back to measure the space . Just lay back and relax , noticing your belly rise and fall . Tip your pelvis under and try and feel your lower abs right above your pubic bone . This will help you work out your internal abdomen muscles giving them strength as well . Many times , these muscles are weakened by poor posture and stress . Your abdomen muscles are the core to the rise and fall of your diaphragm . Like all other muscles they need to be worked out for good health . Just like working out other muscles that have become more laid back , working out these muscles can take time and practice to get back into bikini body shape . That ’ s it for our very first breathing work out . Remember that a great body starts with a great tune up . Come join us at www . thebodytune . com for your weekly workout . Start Tuning your Body at www . thebodytune . com
Breathing for Life
“ Breathing helps in many ways to enhance our life - here are some of these ways .”
The Calming Breath
We breathe 22,000 times a day . Breath can either lend itself to our calm and peace , or do the opposite .
Breathing to Help ADHD
When the breath wanders the mind is also unsteady . When the breath is calm so is the mind .
Breath of “ Letting Go ”
Learn to exhale - the inhale will take care of itself .
Creative Breathing
The brain is the biggest user of oxygen . It is the first organ to suffer if there is a
shortage .
Digestive Breathing
Using the breath to help digestion and circulation daily .