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where from zero turnover four years ago , this year will see 44,000 covers in December .
Looking to the future , Amadeus will continue to innovate and grow , both organically and through new contracts . It will also continue to be selective in who it chooses to work with – from clients to suppliers . “ We are currently owned privately by LDC , part of Lloyds Group . We ’ re their biggest acquisition .”
Amadeus wants to ‘ stick to its knitting ’, to coin Watson ’ s phrase , and stay true to what it is good at , namely adding to the venue experience and driving transaction and spend with great food and service . “ We can serve 16,000 fans in two hours before a show at a venue .” The team wants to work with clients that share their values – as a quality caterer with provenance high on the agenda , Amadeus will only welcome suppliers that are proud of their products and have clear traceability . “ We will exceed our £ 50 million target in 2019 . We will continue to win two or three contracts a year . We turn down 12 for every one we tender ” said Watson , adding that Amadeus id still seen as mainly a regional player , and “ we want to do more national business ”. “ Making an acquisition could step-change us ” said Watson , adding that he could not see that happening for at least six months . We have a unique perspective as a group which owns venues - we understand the venue mindset .” As Steve Norris , Arena ’ s chairman , brought The Arena Christmas Event to a close , it was announced that over £ 1,000 had been raised for Hospitality Action and Springboard ( both charities supported by HT ). www . amadeusfood . co . uk