As soon as café terraces , pubs and restaurants start to fill with guests , operators are under increased pressure to deliver excellent levels of service and cleanliness within minutes . In fact , a survey commissioned by P & G , shows a staggering 97 % of guests value clean over cost , service , location or little perks when they make an eating-out choice . Operators can ’ t afford to let things slip during busy periods , especially with regards to cleanliness , as poor standards can lead to negative reviews .
In line with P & G ’ s findings , the recent report form the Barclays Bank , the Feedback Economy , has shown that there is a £ 3.2bn opportunity for the hospitality and leisure sector if online reviews and feedback are managed properly .
To ensure dirty dishes and glassware don ’ t get in the way of good reviews and negatively reflect on the hard work that businesses put in to satisfy their customers , P & G Professional has launched new Fairy All in One capsules , formulated for dishwashers , combining liquid and powder in a soluble pouch .
every experience counts . TM
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The new product helps operators provide an impeccable clean in three minutes , ensuring dishes are always up to the highest standard , leaving no room for negative reviews .
Unlike hard tablets , which often need unwrapping , the new Fairy All in One capsules dissolve much faster . The capsules ’ new three minute dissolving time means faster turnover of dishes without compromising on cleanliness .
The fast dissolving time offers no trade-offs . The superior cleaning power ensures no residue is left behind leaving dishes impeccable .
There is no need for pre-rinsing and rewashing , ensuring time effectiveness at a time when consumers set the agenda for when they want to eat .
For more information about P & G Professional and the new Fairy All in One capsules , visit : www . pgpro . co . uk