Hospital Profile M.P Shah Hospital profile fin | Page 6
Corporate social responsibility
At M.P Shah Hospital we are relentless in our mission of reaching out to the society at
large by embarking on our unique CSR initiatives. This has seen us reach the needy in the
society through continuous free surgeries as well as Health Screening Programs. Through
our partnership with Cancer Alliance we have created unique Patient Assistance Programs
for patients who would otherwise not be able to afford the expensive cancer treatment.
We have also worked with two international congenital heart teams, Medical Education
and Aid to Kenya (MEAK) /Evelina London Children’s Hospital and Healing Little Hearts/
Great Ormond Street Chidren’s Hospital with support from Jain Social group. Together
we have had 4 missions so far, successfully performing 35 open heart operations and 22
interventional cardiac repairs for needy children at no cost to their families. We hope to
carry out these missions at least 3 times a year.
Many of the hospital’s bills go unpayable by the patients and the Hospital is forced to
recognize and write these outstanding amounts off when it is ascertained that no funds
are forthcoming.
In the previous year alone, the Hospital recognized almost Kshs. 35 million as unrecoverable
with a further Kshs.10 million being written off the books entirely.
With effect from 2012, the Hospital has set up a separate budget to be used to provide
healthcare services to needy patients, particularly those that end up at the Hospital in a
critical condition and are unable to pay for services.
As part of its social service objectives, the M.P. Shah Hospital seeks to provide affordable
private Hospital services to a wider range of income earners by keeping its prices far
more conservative.
We are thankful to our donors whose support over the years has been unconditional and
contributed to our hospital’s exponential progress.