Editor’s Letter by Maya Cook ................................................................................... 2-3 Drawing and Photoshop by Drue Hardison .....................................................................4 Hair Care by Niateara Brown ....................................................................................... 5-7 Poetry: Only the Chosen by Tyree Randolph ...................................................................8 Dress For Success by Yarines Rivera.......................................................................... 9-10 Healthy Eating by Maryann Vega ............................................................................ 11-15 Poetry: Lost Love by Anthony Tyson .............................................................................16 Nail Trends by Shaipri Lewis .........................................................................................17 Makeup Tips by Shai’Niece Lewis ............................................................................ 18-21 Spring Trends by Shermere Lyons............................................................................ 22-23 Essay: Overcoming the Bad by Tyree Randolph ....................................................... 24-25
Editor’s note: Truth be told, I am “editor” in name only – basically I had the idea and helped back things up when they got stuck. Even though I got to write the nice letter, in fact all layout and submission management was handled by the inimitable Maryann Vega, who simultaneously juggled this mountain of tasks and filled in as needed as a training coordinator while the position went unfilled. I am, as always, impressed by her leadership, kindness, patience, and perseverance. This magazine wouldn’t have happened without her, and she deserves the credit, even if she tries to avoid it. Lucky for me, I offered to prepare the document for the printer and set up the Table of Contents, so by the time she sees this it will be too late. ? Maya Cook, not really the Editor