Hope November Newsletter Nov 2013

November 2013 HOPE PRIMARY HOPE PRIMARY SCHOOL, LORDENS ROAD, HUYTON, L14 8UD, (0151) 477-8300 EMAIL: [email protected] Website: www.hopeprimary.com Check out what is going on at Hope! You can keep up to date, see photographs, videos and updates by logging on to www.hopeprimary.com Select your child’s class by clicking on the ‘School Blogs’ button. Have fun! Look at all the amazing Humpty Dumpty characters the Nursery children have been making at home. The children were so excited to meet the real Humpty Dumpty. We have created some art in IPC. We researched Italian mosaics on the Internet and looked at the different patterns. We then created our own mosaics linking to our Science topic- Plants and Animals. A big welcome to our new class pets! Today was our ?rst day carrying out our science investigation. 4S are ?nding out which food snails prefer to eat!