Hope Magazine | Page 8

Students: Which one do you think easier to love or to be loved?

I think there are both connected. If you don’t know how to love, you can never appreciate love in the right way. So, for both to love and to be loved one should learn how to love him/herself first.

Students: What is compassion and love?

There two concepts are interconnected, too. But I can say that love is meta-physical. It exceeds the limits of the physical world. Love sometimes hinders us from giving the right decisions in our lives. Compassion is a little bit more tangible than love.

Students:  What is the meaning of life for you?

It is a person’s being aware of his/her life and realize him/herself. This is the things that separates humans from other species.

Students: Is being happy is a right of ours or should we fight for our happiness and deserve it?

Everything that we gain by struggle is valuable for me. The rights are gained by struggle. Humans are a race that struggles for the things they get. Justice and right concepts have a close relation with each other. “Just” is also one of the names for God. It is a symbol of his justice in the world. We struggle for the things we want but we never exceed our limits and respect other people’s search for meaning in this life.

Students: How do you see the future of human race? Is it getting better or worse?

I am one of the optimistic ones. Life is about the fight between to good and the evil. If we can bring more goodness to the life, goodness will prevail. This fight is going on since the start of the time. And It will go on.

Students: What are the things that will make live more liveable? What are the things we need most in life?

Individually what we need is to learn more about ourselves and socially we need justice in the world in every field of the life. Humans are a specimen of the universe itself. Each and every one of us is a universe and we represent the universe.  We live together. Good and bad sides of the people can be observed in society.  People should know themselves and leave train in this world.

Students: Do you think there should be a limit to freedom? Is there a something as limitless freedom?