Hope Magazine | Page 47


   Growing up is therefore the result of having made more attempts, more tests or experiments and of having come out of our state of comfort, the only one that keeps us in a state of inertia in which we are safe but do not grow.Learning to share our ideas, our smiles and appreciation, our projects and needs aligns us with others, makes us feel with them and like them in the sense that we all have many things to learn to live well and be happy.Giving value, in my opinion, means paying attention to people and asking questions, the answers to which can be simple but of great help for them. Even if the value of what we propose is not received as such, in us there remains the certainty of having done or said, an important thing for us and this repays our soul.

     By giving to others we keep our selfishness at bay which rarely leads us to happiness. The expression interpersonal relationship refers to the relationship that exists between two or more individuals; these relationships can be based on feelings (such as love, sympathy and friendship) as well as on shared passions and / or on social and / or professional commitments; they take place in every human context: from friendships, to the family to any form of human aggregation.
